PGW wants to increase customer rates by $70 million per year.
They say the average household’s gas bill would go up by 11.2%, but the actual increase could be much higher.
Their proposal would increase the fixed monthly charge from $13.75 to $19.25, a 40% increase, and that’s without using any gas!
Gas bills are already too high for lower- and middle-income families.
Your Voice Matters! You can make a difference.
Speak out at Virtual Public Input Hearings:
Tuesday, June 2nd 2020: 1 p.m. & 6 p.m.
Wednesday, June 3rd 2020: 1 p.m. & 6 p.m.
Contact the Office of Consumer Advocate
at 1-800-684-6560
by Friday May 29th to sign up.
You must contact the OCA before May 29th if you wish to attend a hearing,
even if you do not want to testify.
Raise your concerns at the hearing
- Can you afford your gas bill?
- Have you had trouble accessing PGW’s bill affordability program, CRP?
- Has PGW refused to work with you to restore service due to prior debts?
- Have you had difficulty with PGW’s Customer Service?
- Does PGW deserve a raise when families are going without service during a pandemic?
Questions? Contact CLS’s Energy Unit at (215) 227-2414 or e-mail