If you disagree with Community Legal Services, Inc.’s decision not to represent you, or if you have a complaint about the manner or quality of services provided by CLS staff, you may contact the following Managing Attorneys or Practice Directors at the address below and/or phone number (215) 981-3700:
Dawn Williams, Intake Issues
Rachel Garland / Kadeem Morris, Landlord Tenant / Rental Housing
Lydia Gottesfeld, Welfare/Public Benefits/Senior Issues
Michael Froehlich, Homeownership and Consumer Rights
Vikram Patel, Utilities
Kathleen Creamer, Family
Jamie Gullen, Employment
Kristen Dama, Social Security (SSI)
If you are still displeased, you may appeal to:
Kathy Gomez, Deputy Director of Legal Practice, 215-981-3766
If you further disagree with either of the above decisions, you may appeal in writing to:
President, Board of Trustees
Community Legal Services, Inc.
1424 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19102
Telephone: (215) 981-3700
In all communications to file a grievance, please provide a telephone number or address where you can be reached.
Please note that if your request for legal assistance or your case concerned an issue that is eligible for funding or was funded by the State Department of Human Services (State DHS), you are also entitled to a fair hearing if your request is made to DHS within the applicable deadlines in the Title XX notice.
Using the CLS grievance procedure does not waive (take away) your right to a fair hearing under Title XX/ state-funded services as long as your fair hearing request is made to DHS within the applicable deadlines in your Title XX notice.
Find out about your rights and responsibilities under Title XX.