Facts about coverage:
- If you work at a job with 10 or more workers, you must get paid sick leave. Jobs with 9 or fewer workers must give leave but it can be unpaid.
- Full time and part time workers are covered, as long as you work 40 hours per year in Philly.
- You can start using sick time after 90 days on the job and can earn 40 hours per year; one hour for each 40 hours you work.
- Gig workers, independent contractors, union members, seasonal workers and state and federal government workers are not covered by this law
- You are protected from retaliation for taking sick time or asking to take it.
THINGS YOU CAN DO IF YOUR PHILLY JOB STILL ISN’T GIVING YOU SICK DAYS (or if you want to ask for better policies):
- On behalf of your coworkers, ask for a meeting with boss, hand them the city’s poster that explains sick days are law! Posters are available in multiple languages.
- Write a letter on behalf of your coworkers asking for sick days under the policy. Sample language for a letter:
Dear Owner/Manager:
As you should already know, Philadelphia law requires all businesses to provide sick leave to its workers. We have not yet been provided with a copy of our sick leave policy and do not know whether one exists, nor how to access leave or find out how many days we have accumulated. We also noticed that you do not have a mandatory paid sick leave poster in our workplace.
Please respond by circulating our sick leave policy within 3 days or we will take further action.
Sincerely, On behalf of your employees,
[Include contact info or create new email address for group of workers]
If you can’t resolve this on your own, you can file a complaint with the City of Philadelphia or ask questions by calling 215-686-0802 or emailing paidsickleave@phila.gov
Contact the CLS Employment Unit for advice and possible help.