Pennsylvania UC System Must Be Rebuilt Strategically After the Pandemic and Benefits Modernization

Traditionally, Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation (UC) system was simple and effective. An unemployed worker went to an “unemployment office,” filed a claim, and got about the business of finding a new job. Along with declining administrative funding, that system started to erode at the beginning of this century. First, the local offices were replaced by centralized… presents barriers to unemployment insurance and other government benefits

During the pandemic,, a company providing digital identity credentials that promised to screen out fraudulent claims but “leave no identity behind,” emerged as a potential savior against rampant unemployment benefit fraud.  Since then,’s influence has increased, as numerous federal departments and scores of states have signed on for its services, including in the…

Pensilvania está aceptando solicitudes para el Fondo de Asistencia a Propietarios de Viviendas (PAHAF)

For information in English   PAHAF proporciona hasta $30,000 para ayudar a propietarios de vivienda que han experimentado una dificultad financiera relacionada con la COVID-19. El año pasado, el presidente Biden firmó el Plan de Rescate Estadounidense. Este plan incluía $350 millones para ayudar a propietarios de vivienda de Pensilvania que experimentaron una dificultad financiera…

Pennsylvania is now accepting applications for the Homeowner Assistance Fund (PAHAF)

Updated 02/01/2021 Para información en Español   The Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund (PAHAF) provides up to $30,000 to help homeowners who have experienced a financial hardship related to COVID. Last year, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan. The Rescue Plan included $350 million to help Pennsylvania homeowners who have experienced a financial hardship related…

Testimony in Support of Full Use of Homeowner Assistance Funds to Help Pennsylvanians in Foreclosure

Community Legal Services attorney Rachel Gallegos testified on June 10, 2021, in support of Councilmember Cherelle Parker’s resolution calling for swift state action on the Homeowners Assistance Fund (HAF) to help thousands of low- and moderate-income homeowners who have been affected by COVID and are at risk of foreclosure. Read the full resolution   My…