CLS’s Energy Unit is dedicated to making sure all people have affordable heat, electricity and water service in their homes. If you have received a utility shut off notice, or have experienced a utility shut off, CLS advocates can identify the best way to prevent shut off or restore service. We can also determine if the utility has made a mistake in shutting off or threatening to shut off your service.
How We Can Help
What to Bring
If you have received a utility shut off notice or have already been shut off, call or visit CLS and we can help you determine what to do next. Before you contact us, gather any shut off notices you’ve received and your most recent utility bills.
Where To Get Help
Community Legal Services
Center City Office
1424 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia PA 19102
Mondays and Wednesdays 9am-12pm
North Philadelphia Office
1410 W. Erie Ave (Broad and Erie)
Philadelphia PA 19140
Mondays and Wednesdays 9am -12pm
Community Legal Services
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9am-12pm