CLS advocates help low-income homeowners access income-based tax repayment plans to save their homes from the risk of foreclosure.
If your property taxes are delinquent, and you live in your property, you may qualify for an Owner-Occupied Payment Agreement (OOPA), an income-based payment agreement designed to be affordable and protect your home from a Sheriff’s Sale. Learn more about OOPA here.
OOPAs and other options are available even to homeowners who live in “tangled title” homes, where the deed does not yet reflect the homeowner’s name. Those who live in tangled title properties should not wait to apply for payment agreements.
If you have been sued in court, or if the City has scheduled a Sheriff’s Sale, call the Save Your Home Hotline right away at 215-334-4663 to discuss your options, including an OOPA or other payment agreement.
If you have a court date scheduled in City Hall, make sure to show up to court or call the Save Your Home Philly Hotline if you need to be excused due to illness, childcare issues, or work. CLS advocates may be present in the courtroom to discuss your case with you.