Social Worker

Social Worker Taylor Keitt is a social worker in the SSI unit at CLS.  After a  career path which has included stints as a bouncer, a government employee both at federal and state levels, and a tax professional, he came to Community Legal Services as a Licensed Social Worker in 2019. He possesses considerable technical…

Senior Attorney

Senior Attorney Richard P. Weishaupt has worked at Community Legal Services for more than 40 years, where he is currently a Senior Attorney for Health and Human Services. He specializes in public benefits and health law and has written extensively in the field. Mr. Weishaupt has designed and taught substantive law and legal skills programs…

Supervising Attorney

Supervising Attorney Chi-Ser Tran (she/her) is a Supervising Attorney in the SSI Unit and Language Access Project at Community Legal Services. Her practice focuses on representing adults and children with disabilities who face issues attaining and maintaining Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. She also leads CLS’s language access advocacy and focuses on improving access to legal services,…

Of Counsel

Of Counsel Jonathan M. Stein began his career with Community Legal Services Inc. in 1968, when he joined CLS as a staff attorney through the Reginald Heber Smith Fellowship Program. Since then Mr. Stein has served as Chief of Health, Education and Welfare Project, Chief of Law reform, Acting Managing Attorney of Law Center North…

Staff Attorney

Staff Attorney Claire Grandison (she/her) is a Staff Attorney at Community Legal Services (CLS) where she works in the SSI Unit and co-leads the Youth Justice Project.  She focuses on increasing access to services and SSI benefits for older youth with disabilities, and providing holistic, community-based legal services to youth. Claire was previously an Independence…

Divisional Supervising Attorney/Duffy Fellow

Divisional Supervising Attorney / Duffy Fellow Jennifer Burdick is a Divisional Supervising Attorney in the SSI Unit at Community Legal Services. Her practice focuses on representing adults and children facing issues both attaining and maintaining Supplemental Security Income benefits in administrative hearings and in Federal Court.  She also advocates nationally for important systemic reforms to…