How Is That Legal? A new podcast from CLS

How many times have you encountered an injustice that shocked you so much that you wondered, “How in the world could this possibly be legal?”   Well, that’s exactly why we at Community Legal Services created our new podcast, “How Is That Legal?”. With help from our host, CLS Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer Kee Tobar,…

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Report: Preventing Wasteful and Inequitable Consultative Examinations in Social Security Disability Claims

Today, advocates from New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG), the Urban Justice Center (UJC), and Community Legal Services of Philadelphia (CLS) released a new report about wasteful and harmful Social Security policies, which discriminate against adults and children with disabilities. The report focuses on issues arising in New York State and Pennsylvania, but this is…

Pennsylvania UC System Must Be Rebuilt Strategically After the Pandemic and Benefits Modernization

Traditionally, Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation (UC) system was simple and effective. An unemployed worker went to an “unemployment office,” filed a claim, and got about the business of finding a new job. Along with declining administrative funding, that system started to erode at the beginning of this century. First, the local offices were replaced by centralized…

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PA Workers Have the Right to See Their Personnel Files

Under the Pennsylvania Personnel Files Act, 43 P.S. §§ 1321 – 1324, Pennsylvania workers have the right to view files held by their employers that contains information about themselves.   Who is covered by the law? The Personnel Files Act applies to all employers in Pennsylvania, including state, local, and county governments. All workers who…