H.R. 7976 (“Suspend the Timeline not Parental Rights”) Will Stop a Temporary Crisis from Turning Into Lifelong Tragedies

With many bipartisan allies, Rep. Gwen Moore (D. Milwaukee) is calling for child and family allies to prevent a looming tragedy of permanent family destruction—the lifelong termination of the legal parent-child relationship. Families are fearful that the national and state public health crises brought about by COVID 19 has created nearly insurmountable obstacles to maintaining…

Immediate Actions Pennsylvania Must Take to Address the COVID-19 Crisis in Long-Term Care Facilities

The COVID-19 pandemic has had drastic and tragic effects on Pennsylvania’s long-term care facility residents and the staff who care for them. More than 4,700 long-term care (LTC) residents have died from COVID-19, accounting for 68% of all deaths in Pennsylvania.  Immediate action must be taken to improve outcomes for this vulnerable population and to ensure their rights.  It is vital that LTC residents and their advocates have…

CLS and Morgan Lewis File Lawsuit Challenging Denial of Emergency SNAP Benefits for the Poorest Pennsylvanians

On July 16, 2020, Community Legal Services of Philadelphia(“CLS”) and Morgan Lewis filed a class action lawsuit against The United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) on behalf of Pennsylvanians denied emergency food assistance during the COVID-19 crisis. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) included a provision providing for emergency additional SNAP (food stamp) benefits so that low income families could have access to food during the pandemic. Nearly 40% of Pennsylvania SNAP households, including many…

¿Necesita Seguro Médico y no está Trabajando en su Empleo Anterior? Estas son las opciones. ¡Actúe ya para que no pierda su oportunidad!

Si no está trabajando porque está de licencia, fue despedido, o ha perdido su trabajo, debería consultar las siguientes opciones para la atención médica de usted y su familia. Debe conseguir la cobertura en un plazo de 60 DÍAS, contados a partir de cuando perdió la cobertura mediante su empleador, o perderá la oportunidad de…

Residentes de Filadelfia: ¿Su vivienda está en ejecución hipotecaria o está atrasado (o a punto de atrasarse) en el pago de su hipoteca? Esto es lo que necesita saber

Actualizado 13 de abril de 2020 Muchos propietarios de vivienda pueden tener problemas para pagar sus hipotecas debido a la pérdida de sus empleos, la reducción de sus ingresos o a una enfermedad relacionada con la COVID-19. Aquí presentamos algunas respuestas a preguntas frecuentes sobre cómo la COVID-19 afecta a los propietarios de vivienda que…

Pennsylvania Rolls Out Federal Stimulus Enhancements to Unemployment Compensation Benefits

On Friday evening, April 10, 2020, Governor Tom Wolf announced important progress by the Commonwealth in implementing supplemental unemployment benefits made available by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. These new benefits will bring desperately needed relief to unemployed workers throughout the Commonwealth. Beginning this week, all Pennsylvanians receiving unemployment compensation…

Philadelphians: In Foreclosure, Behind, or About To Be Behind on Your Mortgage? Here’s What You Need to Know

This information was last updated February, 2021. En Español Many homeowners have had trouble paying their mortgages because of job loss, reduced income, or illness related to COVID-19. Here are some answers to commonly asked questions about how COVID-19 affects homeowners with mortgages. Topics covered include: what to do if you can’t make your mortgage…