Your credit report contains information about how you pay your bills and whether you’ve been sued or have filed for bankruptcy. Credit reporting companies often sell the information in your report to creditors, insurers, employers, and other businesses that use it to evaluate your applications for credit, insurance, employment, or renting a home.
CLS can provide you with legal advice regarding your credit report. We can tell you how to get a copy of your credit report, how to dispute any inaccurate information on your credit report, and how to file a complaint if the credit reporting agency does not fix the mistakes.
If you are struggling with debt, you may want to get help from a credit counselor to develop a personalized plan for getting back on track. Legitimate credit counseling agencies offer free credit counseling or low-fee debt management plans to low-income consumers. Steer clear of companies that promise you quick relief for repairing your credit or settling your debts.
CLS can provide you with legal advice on whether a debt relief program will meet your needs. We also can advise you on your legal options if you have been taken advantage of by a debt relief company.