Senior Attorney
Richard P. Weishaupt has worked at Community Legal Services for more than 40 years, where he is currently a Senior Attorney for Health and Human Services. He specializes in public benefits and health law and has written extensively in the field.
Mr. Weishaupt has designed and taught substantive law and legal skills programs for lawyers, paralegals, and lay people. These include programs for: Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Bar Associations, Legal Services Corporation, National Health Law Project, Children’s Defense Fund, National Legal Aid and Defender Association, various City agencies and numerous colleges and law schools in the area.
Mr. Weishaupt earned his J.D. from Harvard Law School. He graduated from Fordham University with a B.A. in Economics.
Honors & Awards
Finalist Gary Bellow Public Interest Award, Harvard Law School (2015)
Excellence Award, PLAN (2009)
Wasserstein Public Interest Visiting Fellowship, Harvard Law School (2007-2008)
Bernard White Community Service Award, Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of PA (2006)
Award of Protection and Advocacy System Advocacy, The ARC (1997)
Reginald Heber Smith Award, NLADA (1992)
Disabled Advocacy Award, United Cerebral of PA (1990)
Edward V. Sparer Excellence in Legal Services Award,, PLSC/LCC Center (1990)
Outstanding Legal Services Award, Philadelphia Citizens in Action (1982)