Staff Attorney

Staff Attorney Mark Maher is an attorney in the SSI Unit at Community Legal Services. 

Social Worker

Social Worker Margaret Monteiro is a Social Worker in the Family Advocacy Unit at Community Legal Services.

Peer Parent Advocate

Peer Parent Advocate Alice Stills is a Peer Parent Advocate in the Family Advocacy Unit at Community Legal Services.

Staff Attorney M. Regine Charles-Asar is a Staff Attorney in the Family Advocacy Unit at Community Legal Services.

Paralegal Zachary Davidson is a Paralegal with the Housing Unit at Community Legal Services.


Paralegal Max F. Neuman is a paralegal in the Housing Unit at Community Legal Services. He conducts intake over the phone and at court with the Lawyer of the Day program. With attorney supervision, Max also represents tenants in Fair Housing Commission and Office of Homeless Services administrative proceedings. Before joining Community Legal Services, Max…


Paralegal Yamilex Ortiz is a paralegal in the CLS Homeownership and Consumer Rights Unit.

Paralegal Olivia Robbins (she/her) is a paralegal in the Homeownership and Consumer Rights Unit, where she focuses primarily on Tangled Titles and estate planning. Prior to working at CLS, she worked at an immigration firm, helping asylees and refugees gain legal status. Olivia graduated from Swarthmore College where she majored in Peace and Conflict Studies.

Peer Tenant Advocate

Peer Tenant Advocate Angela Haughton is a Peer Tenant Advocate with the Housing Unit at Community Legal Services.

Paralegal Tatiyahna (she/her) is a paralegal in the SSI unit at Community Legal Services. She advocates for increased access to resources for disabled people. Her favorite part of working at CLS is getting to know families on a personal level. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering with children and exploring Philadelphia’s green spaces.  …