Las desconexiones de los servicios públicos comenzarán pronto: ¡Siga estos pasos para evitar que desconecten su servicio!

Recientemente se modificó la prohibición de desconectar los servicios públicos en Pensilvania, lo que significa que es posible que algunos clientes reciban avisos de desconexión. Sin embargo, muchos clientes de bajos ingresos deberían estar protegidos contra la desconexión de los servicios públicos, siempre y cuando tomen ciertas medidas. Siga estos pasos ahora para proteger su…

PA General Assembly Unanimously Expands Criminal Record Sealing By Removing Court Debt and Other Barriers

On Wednesday, October 21st 2020, the Pennsylvania General Assembly unanimously enacted House Bill 440 (Delozier, R-Cumberland, and McClinton, D-Philadelphia), a bipartisan bill which advances Clean Slate policies in Pennsylvania. This bill builds upon the Clean Slate Law, Act 56 of 2018, to open jobs, housing and other opportunities to Pennsylvanians with criminal cases who deserve…

Parent/Child Visits in Philadelphia During COVID-19

Effective August 31, 2020, In-Person Visits Between Parents and their Children in Philadelphia DHS Custody are RESTARTED Download the flyer with this information here What Parents Need to Know All visits may now be in person. If you have overnight visits, those will be daytime visits for now. Your current court order will tell you…

Federal Court Issues Order Stopping USDA from Denying Emergency SNAP Benefits to the Poorest Pennsylvanians

Great news! CLS and Morgan Lewis settled with the USDA, bringing $712 million emergency SNAP (food stamp) benefits to approximately 650,000 of the neediest Pennsylvania households! Click here to find out more. A federal court issued a preliminary injunction today, ruling that more than 700,000 of the poorest Pennsylvanians may be entitled to receive additional…

H.R. 7976 (“Suspend the Timeline not Parental Rights”) Will Stop a Temporary Crisis from Turning Into Lifelong Tragedies

With many bipartisan allies, Rep. Gwen Moore (D. Milwaukee) is calling for child and family allies to prevent a looming tragedy of permanent family destruction—the lifelong termination of the legal parent-child relationship. Families are fearful that the national and state public health crises brought about by COVID 19 has created nearly insurmountable obstacles to maintaining…

Immediate Actions Pennsylvania Must Take to Address the COVID-19 Crisis in Long-Term Care Facilities

The COVID-19 pandemic has had drastic and tragic effects on Pennsylvania’s long-term care facility residents and the staff who care for them. More than 4,700 long-term care (LTC) residents have died from COVID-19, accounting for 68% of all deaths in Pennsylvania.  Immediate action must be taken to improve outcomes for this vulnerable population and to ensure their rights.  It is vital that LTC residents and their advocates have…