Has Social Security Dismissed Your Case?

What is a Dismissal? A “dismissal” is when Social Security turns down your application, after you appealed it, without actually deciding whether you are disabled.  This often happens if you did not go to a hearing.  If your case is dismissed you must act quickly, within 60 days.   What should I do if I get…

Who is Eligible for Social Security Benefits?

Millions of children and adults depend on benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) for their basic income.  SSA provides many different kinds of benefits, including benefits for senior citizens, as well as children and adults with disabilities.  SSA’s main programs are Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability benefits (SSDI), and Social Security Retirement…

SSI for Non-US Citizens

What is SSI? SSI is a monthly cash payment from the Social Security Administration.  These payments are for individuals who have low income and resources, and who are disabled, blind, or age 65 and older.  Both adults and children can get SSI.  For 2020, the most you can get in SSI benefits is $783 per…